I just went throught the Github Pages tutorial and a bunch of configuration information for Jekyll to setup this site. Might as well write down some notes about the process.

Config Changes

I’ve made the following manual changes to my _config.yml file:

# Makes post exercepts appear on the home page
show_excerpts: true

# Makes it so that post URLs only display the title of the post
# Counting on myself having unique names for all posts. Can probably pull that off...
      path: ""
      type: "posts"
      permalink: /:title

# I wanted my pages to be in their own folder like posts. This line makes it so that
# the folder is included in the build process despite starting with a _
  - _pages

# This sets what pages appear as options in the Header bar.
# Without this, the Home page also displays there which is a bit redundant with it off to the left
  - _pages/about.md
  - _pages/resume.md
  • Jekyll Docs
    • Really handy for looking up a lot of configuration information
  • Minima Page
    • Note that this is not the latest version of the theme. The Ruby gem’s latest version is 2.5.1, but the main branch of the theme says there’s a v3
    • Considering everything seems to be ruby based, and the instructions even say to use the gem for installation, it’s all pretty confusing
    • Anyways, handy reference to see how the theme works and what can be overridden
  • Github Pages
    • Information about setting up hosting with through Github pages
    • Since this site is Jekyll based, it should be pretty clear. Just make sure to stick to the gem versions that are supported on the platform.

Making a new Post

  1. Make a new .md file in the _posts directory
  2. Name it YYYY-MM-DD-some-title.md
  3. Add the yaml front matter markup
    • Just use the same front matter as this post, but swap out the fields